If you have bad credit, you might make it a policy to avoid borrowing whenever possible. That’s usually doable when it comes to credit cards and other consumer loans, like those used to purchase furniture. But auto loans can be unavoidable. That’s because you probably need a car in order to get to and from […]
Investing Strategies
They don’t teach investing in school. It’s no wonder that so few of us really understand how investments work, what mutual funds are and how to select the right investments for our unique situation.
The following articles explain how the stock market, mutual funds, annuities,stocks and bonds work in plain English. They demystify investing and empower you to make better investing decisions for you and your family.
The Pros and Cons of Using Credit Cards To Finance Your Business
Regardless of what business you are in, there are times when money becomes tight. During those tough periods, you might be tempted to lean on easy sources of cash like credit cards to get you through. I met a woman a few weeks ago who did just that during the 2008 financial crises. She was […]
How To Build Your Spending And Investment Plan
If you are like most people I know, you might find it difficult to get out of the starting blocks when it comes to finances. Sometimes it’s hard enough just to pay the bills without going into debt. It’s tough to imagine having enough extra money to put aside for the future. You know it’s […]
What Are Actively Managed ETFs?
If you dabble in ETF investments you’re going to hear more and more about actively managed ETFs in the coming years. But what are they and are they smart investments? Let’s take a look under the hood and find out. ETFs and Actively Managed ETFs Just to refresh your memory, ETF stands for Exchange Traded […]
How The Upcoming SP500 Makeover Impacts You
In a few weeks the S&P 500 will witness a large reclassification, the likes of which hasn’t happened in over 17 years. This will have a big impact on certain investors and almost no impact on others. But that won’t stop some folks in the media from trying to blow it out of proportion. (They […]
The Hidden Sand Trap Of Dividend ETFs
Nowadays you can buy just about any kind of ETF you like – including ETFs that hold dividend paying stocks. What’s cool about this idea is that if you choose carefully, you can buy very low cost ETFs and enjoy those juicy dividends at the same time. Win-win. So what’s the problem with going that […]