If you are interested in earning extra cash, you might consider driving for Uber. A lot of people are doing just that. In fact, according to a recent study by Princeton, 40,000 new drivers are signing on every month. They are attracted by the flexible hours, the opportunity to be their own boss and the […]
Career Related Posts
Are you on the right professional path? Would you like some easy-to-use techniques to advance your career? This category provides step-by-step guides on everything from getting a raise to changing jobs to becoming self-employed within 99 days.
Five Clever Ways To Impress During A Job Interview
If you are looking for a job it’s only natural to have a little anxiety or fear. Let’s face it. Even though unemployment is low, there are still hordes of people out there competing against you. And odds are high that at least some of them are more qualified than you are. As a result […]
7 Great Jobs To Make You Money And Happy
If you are unhappy at your current job and thinking about changing lanes, you might be on to something. In fact, there may never been a better time to consider finding a new career. The economy is growing and companies are struggling to find good staff. That smells like opportunity to me. But where do […]
How To Be A Great Leader At Work
Throughout your life, you’re going to be a leader and a follower on many different “teams”. This is important. Your ability to “lead and/or play well with others” at work is a critical success factor for career advancement. Why is it so important to be good at leading and following? First, if you are a […]
How To Resolve Work Conflicts
When you’ve got problems at work, you’ve got real problems. If you and your co-workers are at odds, almost nothing good can come out of it. This is true no matter who carries the day. And it doesn’t matter if you are having a problem with someone at your own level, a subordinate or even […]
How To Write A Killer Thank You Note
Most people think that writing thank-you notes after an important business meeting or a job interview is a nice idea but not really that important. I know I used to think that way, but I was wrong. Picture this. You just finished a great job interview and you are sure you nailed it. In fact, […]