If you have bad credit you might be tempted to turn to a personal loan company if you need cash. This is not necessarily a bad idea but the odds are, it won’t be much cheaper than a high-cost credit card debt. That’s not to say you shouldn’t apply – but I want you to […]
Investing Strategies
They don’t teach investing in school. It’s no wonder that so few of us really understand how investments work, what mutual funds are and how to select the right investments for our unique situation.
The following articles explain how the stock market, mutual funds, annuities,stocks and bonds work in plain English. They demystify investing and empower you to make better investing decisions for you and your family.
When Your FICO Score Is NOT The Best To Track
Most people concerned about their credit score only focus on their FICO number. As a result many throw away good money when they sign up for products and services the company sells. Don’t get me wrong – the company that sells the FICO score (Fair Isaac) is honest and fair as far as I know. […]
A Beginners Guide To Buying Individual Stocks
If you are toying with the idea of buying individual stocks it’s important to understand the pros and cons. The best way to master that knowledge is to compare individual stocks to the alternative – mutual funds. Let’s go through those differences now and then dive deeper into how to find the best stocks that fit […]
Create A Pool Of Great Mutual Funds and ETFs To Pick From To Secure Your Retirement
This guide will change your life if any of the following conditions describe you: a. You want to understand how mutual funds really work so you don’t make a bonehead mistake. b. It’s important that you avoid stinky funds and identify good candidates from which to select your investments so your money works and secures […]
The Ultimate ETF and Index Fund Investment Guide
You’re a smart cookie if you want to understand the ins and outs of index funds and ETFs. They are exploding in popularity and this is an area that is bound to grow more and more over the coming years. But in order to understand the world of index funds and ETFs it’s important to […]
Annuities – What You Need To Know Before You Invest
In order to become a great investor you have to understand how all investments work more or less – even the crappy ones like annuities. I apologize for being so opinionated. Let’s first look at how these stink-balls work. Then you can decide yourself. What Is An Annuity? An annuity is a deposit with an […]