You may not be happy to hear this, but more companies, institutions, government agencies and people review your credit score and history file than you imagine. While this is frightening, I don’t want you to worry. There are remedies and I’ll get to that shortly. First, let’s review who can and can’t see your credit […]
Credit Scores and Report Related Posts
Your credit score is your financial calling card. It is used by lenders, employers, life insurance companies and potential business partners to determine if they’ll do business with you or not. Here’s how to maintain the highest credit score possible. And if you’ve got blemishes in your credit history you’ll find great resources on boosting your credit score and cleaning up your history easily and quickly.
7 Ways You Hurt Your Credit Score Without Even Realizing It
You could be damaging your credit score without even being aware of it. That’s because many financial steps that seem benign are actually costly credit score killers. This is important no matter how solid your financial situation is. Even slight blemishes can result in higher credit costs and worse. Employers, potential business partners and landlords […]
5 Debt Traps to Avoid After College
You’ve graduated from college and landed your first real job. Congratulations! You’re now pulling an income much higher than you’re used to and may even be chipping away on those student loan debts. If you thought you got all of the hard work behind you in college you’re in for a rude awakening. The real […]
Is Lexington Law Any Good At Credit Repair?
Not everyone needs to hire somebody else to help fix their credit. If you’ve got the time and patience and are willing to learn how some of the credit laws work, you can take try sprucing up your credit history on your own. But if you decide that your time is better spent elsewhere, you […]
Quizzle Review – What Sizzles And What Fizzles
Quizzle is a service that offers you a free credit score and report. To use the service you don’t need to provide a credit card number and they provide all kinds of great tools to help you improve your credit score. Sounds perfect, right? It’s not. I will tell right up front that Quizzle has a […]
5 Steps To Protect Yourself BEFORE The Divorce
If your marriage is on a one-way street to divorce court you have to take precautions immediately in order to protect what you’ve worked so hard to achieve so far and to protect your financial future as well. This is especially true if you have joint accounts with your spouse. Any earnings your spouse brings […]