You don’t have to be Albert Einstein to figure out which industries are hiring now. All you have to consider is the demand /supply situation and you’ll know where to start looking. This may not be politically correct to say, but I also think this might be a great thing to consider before you decide what to study in college.
The good news is you don’t have to be Dick Tracy (a famous comic book detective for all those who weren’t born when Dick was around) to get that information. A good place to look is Since they advertise for both job seekers and job providers, they know when the demand for skilled employees is far greater than the supply of skilled workers. The good news is you can even find great jobs despite not having gone to college for a degree. The sky’s the limit friend.
So…what is saying these days? As you might imagine, the two industries that are desperate to find qualified people are health care and technology. Specifically, here are the people that employers are searching desperately to hire:
Health Care:
1. Nursing Aides
2. Orderlies
3. Occupational Therapists Assistants
4. Dental Assistants
5. Home Health Aides
6. Pharmacist Aides.
Information Technology
1. IT Project Managers
2. Database Administrators
3. Software Engineers
4. Computer Support Specialists
5. Information Scientists
The beautiful thing about this list is that most of these jobs are relatively easy and fast to train for. You can easily attend a private career college and get training. The training won’t cost you an arm and a leg to get and you can be on the job (in most cases) in less than a year.
Are you looking for a job now? What have been your experiences? Are you going to get trained in one of these professions? What is your game plan?
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