Based on my personal and business experience over the last couple of decades it’s clear that helping other people is crucial for success. And by success, I mean personal and financial success. Unfortunately, I grew up thinking that only chumps focus on other people. I’m not proud of this — but it’s true.
If you’ve read my story, you already know that I was an orphan and just about homeless at 17. I made good on my own (so I thought) and I figured everyone else could make it on their own too. Fortunately, my wife helped me see things differently and I attribute that shift to having a much richer life experience.
This “dynamite” idea wasn’t mine. Napoleon Hill wrote about the power of being of service in his landmark book, Think and Grow Rich. Published in 1937, Hill interviewed Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and other millionaires to determine the secret of their success. Can you guess their most powerful “secret”?
They simply tried to give other people what they wanted before looking for their own personal gain. They found that by focusing on others first, they became more valuable and sought after. I do not believe that financial success is the greatest benefit of focusing on others. The feeling of helping others is priceless in and of itself. But at the same time, it’s smart business too. Let’s take a look to determine how you can apply this the right way.
Let’s try an experiment. Really do this.
1. For the next 10 days, pick at least one person each day.
2. If you don’t already know, find out what is important to that person and do something to help them get what they want. Send them an article. Get them a book. Talk to them. Whatever it is….just do something for that person that will help them get what they really value in life. You can do this without spending any money or much time. You just have to talk to them to find out what makes them tick. And you have to do this without any desire to get anything back from them.
3. Pick a different person on the next day and repeat step 2.
4. Record your results and leave comments below. How did this impact the other person? How did this impact you? Did it help other people too?
Come back and share what happens. I am convinced that the impact will astound you. The most important benefit will be that you will feel like a billionaire — guaranteed. I don’t know why this happens, but it will. You’ll feel like the universe is giving you a group-hug all day long.
In addition, people will bend over backwards to be helpful to you – and others. Being of service to others is the best way to have a completely full and rich life – and the price tag is right. Be intentional over the next 10 days and let us know your results. I can’t wait to hear from you.
FinancialBondage says
I never gave to charity either at one time. Until I lost my job and struggled with paying bills and the basics of life, basic things I took for granted. Then I realized there are people who have needs and could use help. Now I give to the church or charity every payday so others can benefit.
MoneyEnergy says
Good reminder. Of course; when we are only focused on ourselves and our money we are living a narrow life; it is better to branch out by helping others.
You’re definitely a great example! thanks for being such a great twitter-pal!
Neal says
It’s a pleasure my man….a pleasure.
Donna says
It is biblical, to practice giving.
Mr. Frankle
Do you read the bible?
It is all about life.
It also has some fine suggestions to live a good life.
Proverbs is a good place to start.
Luke 6:38
Practice giving and people will give to you. They will pour into YOUR lap a fine measure, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing. For with the measure that YOU are measuring out, they will measure out you in return.
Neal says
Thank you Donna. I think your point is that the source of this message comes from the bible and of course it is a good reminder.