The economy is heating up. Even though it might be easy to find a job right now, it might be a better time to launch your own business. There is a great deal of demand for enterprising people presently.The good news is you can easily start a freelance gig from scratch. Of course it’s great if you already have niche skills but you can still open your own shop without any specialized training or background as long as you are open to you new business ideas. You won’t need an office or to set up a separate legal entity to get going either. And to put the cherry on top, you probably won’t need a lot of start-up capital. As a freelancer, you’re selling your time…not a product. And since you’ll probably keep your day job, you don’t need a pile of working capital either. Does it get any better than this? I don’t think so Pilgrim.
As I said, you may not need the money now but it’s still smart to consider making this move now. Your business will provide a little income now, and by the time you need the money, your freelance business will be established. Another benefit is that you’ll make great contacts, which can mean better business and job opportunities down the line.
Once you have something you can offer that others value, you are ready to start your business.
What equipment do you need to freelance?
To support your start-up, set up a website that can showcase your work and how you solve your customers’ problems. Check out your competition and take the best ideas. You’ll obviously need a phone number too. Finally, it will help if you can provide business and professional references as well.
What do you need to get the phone to ring?
You don’t have a business unless you have a system to generate paying customers or clients. You can generate a steady flow of business by promoting yourself on sites such as and You can also use Craigslist to grow your business.
Grow your business, but be patient. It will take time. Make sure you only take on business that will be profitable. Remember, you’re starting now so you don’t NEED every piece of business that comes along.
You can also rustle up some business by interviewing potential clients. Reach out to people who are prospective customers and invite them out for a cup of coffee. Don’t sell yourself to these people – simply tell them you are launching your freelance business and you want to understand the market.
Ask them about their business. Find out what they need. What do they value? What are they missing? What would they like to improve? Do as many interviews as you can – at least two each week. Then, follow up with these people. Don’t ask for business. But do ask them what they’d suggest you do to grow your business.
Also, don’t forget to ask who else they think you should interview. Keep in touch with these contacts. People love to talk to people who are interested in them. Sooner or later, business will come your way. Simply review what others are doing and gather ideas. Experiment.
Starting and running my own business was absolutely the best thing that ever happened to me. I love the freedom and sense of accomplishment. And I like the fact that the only one looking over my shoulders is my client. It’s not about the money (but that doesn’t hurt either). Being in business for yourself isn’t for everyone, but if appeals to you, go for it friend. It takes work and persistence. And the steps I suggested above will absolutely save you time and a lot of money in the long run. But it work at the end of the day. Does this appeal to you? Why or why not?
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