When you think about how to reinvent yourself , it may seem like a daunting task. But if you break it down, you can reinvent yourself, no matter what your financial situation is in less than 4 months. I’m not saying that you can erase the consequences of past mistakes that quickly. But I am saying that you can get a far distance down the road on a different path for your life if you are committed to taking decisive action. Here’s how you will succeed:
Day 1 through Day 5 – Get Mad As Hell
Decide once and for all that you aren’t going to continue down the financial path you are currently on. Things aren’t going to change by themselves. Nobody is going to erase your debt. Nobody is going to drop a killer job in your lap. You are going to have to make it happen and to do that you have to be totally committed.
Look at your current situation and project out 5, 10 and 20 years. What does your life look like if you don’t take action to change it? Are you willing to be in that picture? If not, are you willing to do what it takes, whatever that is, to create a life you do want? Make the decision and tell someone you respect about it. Put it out in the world if you really want to commit to reinventing yourself.
Day 6 through Day 9 Forgive Yourself
Don’t waste any energy beating yourself up for the past. You are going to need every drop of strength you have to get the ball moving down the right path. Feeling sorry for yourself and/or berating yourself for making poor choices in years gone by is an expensive pastime you can’t afford. Cut it out. Give yourself a full 3 days to really understand how destructive that kind of thinking is.
Chances are high that when the going gets tough (day 10 through day 99) you may slip back into a negative mind set. That’s only human. The best way to deal with this is to talk to someone you love and who loves you. Tell them you are committed to not dragging yourself over the coals about the past. Tell them you would like to check in with them weekly. Then make a note in your calendar and do those weekly check ins. Take action friend.
Day 10 – Fire Yourself
From here on, you have to take direction and that means you must “fire yourself“. During the process of reinventing yourself, your mind is going to tell you that you can skip one step or another. Don’t give in to those regressive little voices inside your head. Your best thinking is what got you where you are today. Give this entire 99 day process a try. After you do each and every step you can come back and make suggestions on how to improve this process. Right now, do yourself a favor and just do. Don’t think. Do.
Day 11 through Day 15 – Clarify the Problems
What are the problems you want to fix? Do you want to:
- Change Your Career
- Get Out of Debt
- Make More Money
- Learn How to Invest
- Get a Part-Time Job
- Start a side business
What exactly do you want to change? It could be one or more of the items listed above. It could be none of the above but something completely different. What part of you do you want to reinvent?
Once you’ve identified what you want to change, write it down. And while you’re at it, write down why the current situation is unacceptable. What needs to change? Why? What has caused the problem or why do you want to reinvent this part of your financial life?
For example, if you want to get out of debt, is the real problem you spend too much? If so, say so.
If you want a different career is that because you took the soft, easy, dead – end route in the past?
Do you love your current job but you recognize it is not providing for your family in a meaningful way?
Be brutally honest. That’s the only way you’re going to affect real change in your life.
Write this all down and put this list up somewhere so it’s easy for you to review daily.
Day 16 – Buy Yourself an Ice Cream
Look how far you’ve gone in a little over 2 weeks. You are committed to a new path. You’ve forgiven yourself and at the same time you’ve taken yourself out of the equation so you won’t “outthink” the process and derail yourself. And to top it off, you’ve gotten a great deal of clarity on the exact nature of the problem. That’s a lot in 2 weeks. Go buy yourself an ice cream to celebrate your success. In fact, make it a double scoop. I’m feeling generous.
Tomorrow we’ll continue on the path of reinventing yourself with identifying various solutions, selecting the best solutions to work on first and getting into action. For now, enjoy your ice cream. You deserve it.
Sim says
Great article,but just write to 16 days of “Day 16 – Buy Yourself an Ice Cream”.I want to read more.waiting…
Julien says
Thank you, this is very motivational
Neal Frankle says
Cherleen! Way to go!!!!! If I could, I’d treat you and your husband to a “day 16” – Nice way to dissect a problem and get into massive action to do something about it. I love it!
Cherleen @ My Personal Finance Journey says
Great post! I can totally relate to the steps to take from Day 11 to Day 15. When we realized that we needed to get out of debt, we decided we need to make more money. My husband started with a side business and I took part-time job through writing and blogging, which later on became my second career after I left my corporate job. Income from both side business and writing was better than our full-time regular jobs we were able to pay off our debt in a shorter time than we expected. Now, we are saving for our children’s college education, retirement, new car, and second house. We have also started investing in stocks and trading. Thanks for sharing.
Tushar @ Everything Finance says
Forgiving yourself is certainly important. It’s hard to make progress unless you move past your indiscretions. Everybody makes mistakes, so it’s important to recognize that to move on.
Neal Frankle says
Thanks Tushar. A critical point that we often overlook. Thanks for putting the focus on that one…..good job.
Neal Frankle says
Veronica. This is the best question I’ve had in a long time. OK. I believe that you can love….yes LOVE what you are doing no matter what (in most cases). I am going to write a post on this soon. Thank you very much for asking this.
Veronica @ Pelican on Money says
I look forward to this post!
Veronica @ Pelican on Money says
Very interesting post and I like where it’s going. My question is: what can you do if your situation is completely locked up and you can’t change your career? Let’s say you’re unhappy with your career but there are people who depend on you, what then?
Neal Frankle says
Veronica – just wanted to let you know that the follow up piece you asked for will go live November 5th 2012. Hope it is helpful.
Veronica @ Pelican on Money says
Neal, great to hear! I’ll be sure to to mark that date to read that.