The following guest post discusses several high school business ideas that any student can get started fast. What better way to introduce your kids to financial success than getting them started with their own enterprise? I”m interested to know what you think of this idea and what other business ideas your kids might enjoy doing. Let’s turn it over to Martin…..
I wanted to put together a piece on starting a business and making money in high school because this is exactly what my youngest brother is doing right now. He always wanted to be a barber for some strange reason. Maybe it’s the creative aspect of coming up with new hairstyles or the social aspect of interacting with so many people on a daily basis. Either way, he ended up investing his life savings ($300) into the tools needed to become a barber. My parents even let him turn a room in the basement into a little barbershop. He now has clients over on a steady basis and he’s already making money on his own at 16.
I doubt many high school students read my blog Studenomics. Most of my readers are in their 20s, out of college or still in school. There are plenty of college business ideas you can start even with very little money, but I wanted to write something for the younger crowd. I’m hoping that the readers here have children in high school that this post can be passed on to.
I sort of wish that I implemented a few entrepreneurial ideas in high school. While I was ambitious enough to research the best student credit cards and how the stock market works, I never got over the fear of starting my own business. I regret not starting my own business in high school.
What are business ideas worth pursuing in high school?
- Go online. There are so many online jobs for college students out there that it’s sad to miss out on any opportunities. You can start a website, tutor online, do graphic design work, or edit essays. All that matters is that you take a few minutes to see how you can make money online instead of just commenting on Facebook updates.
- Landscaping winter and summer. Every lawn needs to be taken care of and every driveway (in snow country) needs to be cleared in Winter. Why not start off with this simple service? I always performed lawn care as a student. I just wasn’t smart enough to look at it as a potential business enterprise. I always worked for a company and got paid very little for the work.
- Tutoring. Do you really shine in a specific subject at school? We all have our strengths and weaknesses at an early age. If you’ve excelled at math, English or something in the sciences, chances are that you make some money tutoring your peers that are struggling.
- Babysitting. Everyone needs someone to watch their young kids when they go out. This is especially a good idea for anyone who wants to become a teacher one day or work with children in general. It’s a great way to start early.
- Cutting hair. This example really hits home because I see first hand just how much demand there is for a haircut. Most young guys cut their hair on a weekly basis. Imagine how much money you could make if you tried?
These are all simple ideas to help you get started right now. High school is the best time to start. When you move away to college you’ll have a whole new market. I suggest that you learn on the job and improve as you go.
This guest post was written by Martin of Studenomics, a blog that aims to help you conquer your money so that you can get the most out of your 20s. Martin recently wrote about how you can increase your net worth.
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Brad says
You might not want to advertise your brothers barber business because its likely illegal to operate an unlicensed barber shop or hair salon in your state. Its on a state by state basis, but most if not all states require a barber be licensed if they charge customers. There are fines and even prison penalties for running such a business. There have been some higher profile cases of Latino barber shops being shut down with arrests this past year. Licensing requires schooling and you have to pass a state test.
Before your high schooler starts off on a business at least make sure its legal.
Olivia says
Our sons both dabbled in a fudge making business. (The older one passed it onto the younger one.) They sold to friends, family and neighbors. It’s seasonal, and taxes are involved, but other than that it was a great experience. They learned to price supplies, make the product, and interact with people.
Daisy @ Everything Finance says
In high school, I tried to start an online business unsuccessfully. I really didn’t know much about how businesses worked, I just knew that I wanted to have one. I tried again in college, once again that failed. I’m growing my online business now. I think it’s great to start in high school if you have the resources.