My daughter will graduate from high school in a few weeks, so naturally I’ve had the dilemma of finding the perfect presents for graduation .
Oh sure, I considered getting her a brand new BMW or sending her and five of her closest friends to Tahiti for a week…but I wanted to get her something that would really make an impact on her. Fortunately, my friend Mike Piper at Oblivious Investor solved the problem for me.
He recently published his new book named (interestingly enough) “Oblivious Investing.”
Before I start – I have to make a disclaimer. Mike is a person I’ve come to know and like. I consider him a friend.
The reasons I like him are that he’s quick to lend a hand, he really cares about other people and he’s sharp. All that comes through crystal-clear in his book. It’s refreshingly clear and concise.
Why am I getting this book for my daughter?
Well… I was joking about the BMW and Tahiti. But cars depreciate and memories fade. A book like Mike’s is one that keeps giving and can really make a difference to my daughter for the rest of her life.
The book Oblivious Investing is a discovery process of personal financial planning told by way of a story. Shannon, the story’s main character, is a young woman who really has no clue about money, income diversity and what her financial life could look like. Fortunately, her uncle Toby takes her under his wing.
They have a number of discussions, and Shannon is safely put on the right path. She learns about the best investments, timeframes, goals, the economy, inflation, mutual funds and more. The story is told in an entertaining way. This book gives me my best shot at educating my daughter in this realm. When I talk about finances…she tells me I’m boring.
If you know someone who could use a basic understanding of investments in a very understandable format, this is a great gift idea.
My daughters’ friends will probably be sulking as they drive away from graduation in their new BMW’s and Porches. They’ll be jealous and wonder why they got stuck with some hunk of metal instead of this book. Don’t make your kids go through that misery. Pick up Mike’s book.
MLR says
Thanks for mentioning my guest post on Studenomics!
Glad you liked it 🙂
MoneyEnergy says
Thanks for sharing my article! I think the book gift is a great idea. I’m also glad you were never seriously considering buying her a car just for graduating highschool!:)
Studenomist says
Interesting gift you are giving your daughter. I wish I had received such a thoughtful gift. Thanks for the mention man!
ObliviousInvestor says
Wow, I’m honored to hear you’ll be using the book as a gift for your daughter. 🙂
You’re absolutely right about the story format of the book. The goal is for it to be more palatable to readers who wouldn’t ordinarily pick up a book on personal finance (especially investing).
Enjoy the “most-given-graduation-present” status while you can, Dr. Seuss. 😉