Understanding finance when you have very little knowledge can be daunting and intimidating. Questions like, “How should I invest?” or “Should I pay off my mortgage?” can seem so difficult to answer. But don’t fall for it. This is not rocket science and I guarantee that if you really want to understand how investments and money work, you can. And it’s easier than you think.
When I first started blogging I was pretty impressed by the quality of what other bloggers were putting out. I assumed they were seasoned professionals like me…but I was wrong.
Most of the people writing about personal finance are in fact not professional financial advisers.
Maybe that’s why their quality is so high. Regardless, when I realized this fact, I was blown away.
I follow about 30 personal finance blogs, and every single one of them provides good analysis, unique insights and useful tips. I learn something from these other blogs every day.
So I asked myself, “How did these people become such experts?” The biggest and most successful bloggers (Get Rich Slowly, Simple Dollar, Free Money Finance, Five Cent Nickel & Frugal Dad) were not professional advisers yet have amazingly helpful posts.
How did these guys do it?
Then it hit me…
I discovered how they mastered the art of personal finance without having any prior education or training. More important, I discovered how you can apply their secrets to master personal finance yourself…or any other subject you desire.
Watch this quick four-minute video and learn from the masters and most successful bloggers in the world.
Abel says
I’m a recent second-time Dad. Now more than ever, I feel the responsibility of being financially sound. The problem is, up to this point, I’ve made poor decisions (cc debt etc.). I think the subject that most interests me IS personal finance, most specifically, better decision making and debt paydown.
Neal says
Wojciech/Chris – thanks for sharing your experience. I guess it’s not such a nutty idea after all!
Abel, excellent…do you have a particular subject that most interests you? Is it personal finance?
Abel says
WOW, thank you. I have been following your blog and a few others for only a couple of months. This post inspired me… thanks.
chris carmody says
I think you are very right or is it write. I a member of a very Bible based community, none of our members have divinity degrees, but as they read and write their thoughts down in preparation for talks and studies, there is a keen understanding of Scripture. I think it works.
My big problem at the moment is I read too much – therefore more writing is needed.
Wojciech Kulicki says
I totally agree with your video, and had the same experience.
I thought I knew a lot – but I realized I really knew very little and learned as I went. 🙂