You are smart if you are looking for ways to improve your credit score to buy a house. A higher score means a lower interest rate. And since your mortgage is probably the most debt you’ll ever have, even a small interest rate cut will save you truckloads of money over the life of the […]
Funeral Insurance: Good Deal or Rip-off?
Is funeral insurance a smart investment? The following is a post from staff writer Crystal at Budgeting in the Fun Stuff, where she writes about finding the balance between paying your bills, saving for your future and budgeting in the fun stuff along the way. Since a lot of people may be wondering whether or […]
My Car Insurance – How I Save a Fortune
I wanted to reduce my car insurance premiums, so I asked staff writer Crystal at Budgeting in the Fun Stuff to write this post. Crystal also writes about finding the balance between paying your bills, saving for your future and budgeting in the fun stuff along the way. Every time my car insurance is up […]
7 College Business Ideas to Start with No Money
If you want to become an entrepreneur, there are a number of college business ideas you can launch with very little money. Here are the top businesses you can start now: College Business Idea #1 – Tutoring There are always students that are looking for help to improve their grades in certain courses. You can […]